
Category : Gallery Index Page

Blue Flame II


Blue Flame


Seed of Life with The Flower of Life

  The Seed of Life – made up of 7 circles; 6 around 1.  Gives birth to the pattern of The Flower of Life which is the blueprint for the Cube, Hexagon, Hexagram and the Platonic Solids.  

Golden Spiral with Golden Rectangle

Dragonfly Dreaming – detail

Dragonfly Dreaming


Petal Dreaming III

The Golden Ratio

“The Golden Ratio”  shows the relationship between the golden (phi) spiral, golden rectangle and the circles which are the basis of the formation of the 1.618 ratio.  Two circles alternate their position and reduce in scale at the ratio of 1.618, as they spiral inwards.

Symbola – Golden Trinity

“The Golden Trinity” from the ‘Symbola Halo’ series represents the halo symbol which is seen in many religious and holy images.  The cross within the halo represents the Holy Trinity.

Symbola – Golden Fractals

“The Golden Fractals ” from the ‘Symbola – Light series’ is an interesting combination of the Mandelbrot Set fractals arranged around the pentagram.  The interweaving paths of the pentagram represents the energy flow of nature.